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Thread: Truncated Links have become untruncated

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Truncated Links have become untruncated

    In the past NOF has been truncating the HTML file names of my pages so that the full URL (including the http, directories, etc) doesn't get too long - it looks like it had been capping it at 100 characters total for the entire URL. And thus internal links to this pages link to the truncated file names.

    I am now using NOF 12 Update # 3, and out of nowhere it has stopped truncating the file names, and thus the URL's for each page. This causes two immediate problems

    1) Some pages are now being published with URL's different than before

    2) Pages I publish have links to un-truncated pages that don't exist (because I haven't published them yet)

    So currently I have a bunch of links that don't work, and the pages I've most recently updated didn't overwrite the old pages (because NOF changed their name).

    If I re-publish the entire site, all the links would work - but all of the old pages would still be left out there. And more importantly, the advertising that I pay for points people to these old pages, which would now be out of date.

    Any suggestions? Does anyone know how to force NOF to keep the file names it has used for the past 5 years. Is this a known issued with Update #3?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    I am having the same problem. Would also like the solution on this. Thank you

  3. #3
    Senior Member gotFusion's Avatar
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    In the past Fusion used an underscore to join page names that the user had made that contained spaces (spaces break URLs). Fusion 12 changed to hyphens.

    You can set it back to underscores in the site preferences

    From the menu bar select:

    Tools > Options > Current Site

    On the general tab press the HTML Options button

    Where it says Convert URL space to : Make sure that the underscore is entered

    If you find that page names are too long, you can use shorter names for your pages.

    To change the name of a page:

    Go to Site View

    On the page properties palette you will see where you can input the Page Name. Press the Custom Names button and you can change the name on the banner and the name on the nav bar buttons. By default Fusion will use whatever you entered when you created the page as the page name, nav bar button, and the banner but once the page has been created, you can change all of these to something else.
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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2012

    Default To clarify issue

    Thank you for the quick reply. To clarify, the space-underscore is not the issue.

    The issue is in version 11 I have pages with say 40 characters in their page name. When they were published using V11 the page names were truncated to 30 characters.

    Now V12 is publishing the page name using all 40 characters. It is not limiting the publish to 30 characters. So that is creating a couple problems. One is the internal links on my site are no longer working as they were not updated by the software. I assume the internal links are still looking for the pages with 30 characters. The second issue is any backlinks to my site that are out there on the web were using the 30 character URL. So now all those backlinks are invalid.

    My site currently has ~2500 total pages. So way too many to manually change.

    Is there anyway the software can publish/truncate page names like it did in V11? Maybe only do it for existing pages, and for new pages I add I would not really care.

    Thank you

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    This may provide more information.

    So basically it looks like this page length was "reversed", so now all the pages created in version 11 that exceeded that previous limitation are publishing the full name.

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