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Thread: Problems with NOF 10 (Update 3) Versions Manager

  1. #1
    Norbert Hoeller

    Default Problems with NOF 10 (Update 3) Versions Manager

    I setup Versions Manager today, then realized that I had specified the wrong
    repository path (NOF created it relative to the existing website directory,
    rather than the root directory). I then tried to change the Repository path
    to 'versions' in Options -> Current site. I got 'Unable to connect to
    Publish Manager' and then 'Unable to connect to versioning manager - FTP
    Publish profile, versions folder'.

    By this time, I had deleted the originally created repository. Changing the
    Repository path to the value that worked earlier did not help. I
    double-checked the FTP Publish profile using 'test connections'.

    I traced the connection. It appears that I connected successfully, switched
    to the directory where my webserver is, then to 'versions' (failed). When I
    manually created 'versions', I then saw an attempt to switch to
    '_versioning_repository_' (failed). Manually creating
    '_versioning_respository_' resulted in the message 'Do you want to delete
    the versions repository from FTP Publish profile, versions folder?'. When I
    responded 'Yes', the operation to change the Repository path seemed to

    This was clearly the wrong response: File -> Versions Manager failed because
    it could not find '_versioning_respository_'. I again manually created
    '_versioning_respository_' and was able to run File -> Versions Manager.

    Am I missing something, is this a bug, or is it assumed that I will never
    change the version repository path after initially setting up Versions
    Thanks, Norbert

  2. #2
    Bob Collins

    Default Re: Problems with NOF 10 (Update 3) Versions Manager

    Agggg..I have same problems..versioning does not work for any of my client
    sites with new #3 update...I get a updating repository dialog box that
    starts with 50% done then hangs for minutes. I have to close out Fusion via
    taskmanger each time. Thanks for going backwards..NetObjetcs!!!

    Help Any Fixes in works?
    Can I go back re-install NetObjects 10 up to update #2 and open sites that
    I've worked in with update 3?


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