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Thread: url address of an old NOF partners or smth ?

  1. #1
    Cristian Secara

    Default url address of an old NOF partners or smth ?

    Long time ago there was a web page describing some useful [java script /
    actions] tips. One that I remember of is to have a single image position on
    page and several java script links; a click on each link will change the
    image in that single image position.
    The pages were linked somehow to the main NOF site, something with
    "partners" extension, or something like that. Can somebody point me to the
    old or new location of these pages, if still available somewhere ?

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    gotFusion Extended Support

    Default Re: url address of an old NOF partners or smth ?

    Cristian Secara said:
    | image position on page and several java script links; a click on each
    | link will change the image in that single image position.
    | The pages were linked somehow to the main NOF site, something with
    | "partners" extension, or something like that. Can somebody point me
    | to the old or new location of these pages, if still available
    | somewhere ?

    Mike - (a.k.a. turtle) - gotFusion Extended Support

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