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Thread: Advice on desk chair.

  1. #1

    Default Advice on desk chair.

    So for the last 10 months I've been working from home, like a whole lot of office workers in the world. My desk at home isn't ideal, but I've gotten it increasingly set up well for how I need to work. However, early on I found that the chair I've had at my desk for a while- a fairly traditional but not terribly expensive 'desk' chair- was just not working and was uncomfortable for the 9 (now 10 due to our shift to a 4/10 schedule) hours I would spend sitting in it each day. Here's the old chair.
    So, I tried something very different- when I had to work at the dining room table on some things a ways back I had grabbed a cheap wooden dining room chair we'd picked up as a prop for one of the Dancer's non-profit's shows and sad in it and found it was surprisingly comfortable compared to the really soft dining table chairs we have.

  2. #2


    Wow, it looks good.

  3. #3


    Oh my God, have you been working all day on these chairs? How did your back not fail at the same time? If you knew that you would work 8 hours a day from home almost every day, you had to buy an expensive and comfortable chair for your posture to be normal. I would advise you right now to buy a gaming chair from DXRacer because I have had one at home for several years. It perfectly supports posture and is not as expensive as similar models. I also realized how important the height of the desk is for posture. And I think that I will soon purchase a gaming desk on because it is large and its height is regulated there.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2023


    Working from home for the past 10 months, I've faced the challenge of finding the right setup for my desk as you can see website. While my current chair initially seemed suitable, it turned out to be uncomfortable during the long hours I spend sitting. Here's a photo of my old chair.

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